In regards to my promise of completing my KOF Comic.
Now this isn't a cancellation. I've made progress on Page 5 and it's nearly done and would've been done by now.
But recently I was given work by two individuals. One that has paid me $50 to create a complex and detailed piece, the other about to pay me for two art pieces.
I can't deny art commissions due to my living situation/pressure to make profits by others. And with these commissions, I won't be able to complete my project in a two month time span.
That's why I am electing to extend my deadline to the end of June, giving myself 4 months to complete my comic.
This will be the only extension I will give myself for this project.
To motivate myself, I'm giving myself a reward and consequence.
If I succeed, I will buy myself a Ledian plushie.
If I fail, I will create a piece of NSFW art for Newgrounds.
Hopefully I get my project done and that all of you enjoy the comic when it gets completed.
I hope you all understand.
Thank you.
- JKflay, Azealia
Good luck :3