A Furry FG fan artist. What a weird combo.
KOF XV, Them's Fightin' Herds, BB: CF, Guilty Gear: Strive, DBFZ, and UMvC3 are fun!
Art Commissions are open! SFW and NSFW.

Nonbinary (They/Them)

Schooly School

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Joined on 11/17/22

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JKflay's News

Posted by JKflay - July 14th, 2024

Hey there, you know my little OC FG project that I've been working on since January?

I've come to realize that I really, really, REALLY hate programing/tech stuff, but I really like animating.

After a lot of thought, I've decided that I should redirect the project.

I think I'm going to go from an FG to a comic/webcomic since I'm more skilled at art and I enjoy making comics.

If I ever find help that can handle programming and the stuff I hate, then the FG idea might come back, but for now this is the plan.

With all this said, I'm gonna be updating my site today to get all of my info the same everywhere.

I hope everything goes well after this, and I hope this new direction works out.


Posted by JKflay - June 1st, 2024

I wanna try to do a monthly art/doodle challenge for it.

Gonna use this prompt list I found on Tumblr by minty-mumbles:


Hopefully I can accomplish this little goal.


Posted by JKflay - May 27th, 2024

Well it's been a long while since the last update, so you're probably wondering what I've been up to with the project.

Welp it's been a ride to put it simply.

Originally I planned on creating Project Apple Pie in MUGEN, but working with MUGEN sprites proved to be aggravating with how small the character sprites had to be. So I decided to change the game engine that I'd use, which started a long long looooong journey to finding the engine for the game.

First I decided to go with Universal Fighting Game Engine 2 since it had alot of documentation and resources to learn from to get a handle of it. One problem: it was $90, so I decided to look elsewhere, though I worked on sprites in the mean time.

Then I found NightSky Engine, an open source fighting game that had a ton of promise and I dedicated this whole month to learning it. But as it turns out, it's incredibly difficult to work with (I don't have any coding knowledge) from installation and storage issues, to Microsoft Visual Studio tech difficulties, to incredibly lacking guidance and help to work with.

So I decided to abandon NightSky and look for any other alternatives, and today I came across Castagne. So far, it's been much better than the other engines. No installation issues, and there's a good amount of guides and resources to help me out. I have been having a bit of issue getting sprites in, but it's Day One for me so over time I hope I'll get better at using the engine. It looks much more promising than the other two, and I hope it works out!

If I get a basic version of it completed (All 8 characters, training mode, VS mode, and Arcade mode), I hope that I'll be able to upload it on Newgrounds and potentially for it's Game Jam when it rolls around.

This journey's been alot for me this year, and I hope that my lack of work hasn't made anyone think I've been lazy/slacking on the project.

Though with that said, if I can't make the game... what will happen to the project?

After thinking about it, if I can't make Project Apple Pie a game, I'll make it a webcomic. I am an artist, and I do like making comics so I think it'd fit, though I really want the fighting game to be made.

I'm going try my best to make Project Apple Pie a reality in anyway I can. If worst comes to worst, and I find myself absolutely struggling with game development I'll throw one last hail-mary and try to find others on Newgrounds to help me in creating the game, mainly programmers.

I hope everything goes well, and that Project Apple Pie's development finally gets started for real.

See you guys later!



Posted by JKflay - March 18th, 2024

Hiya, it's been a bit since I've written anything here. I've been fairly busy with life and coding my own website.

But the one thing that's been eating up a ton of my time: Project Apple Pie

What's that you ask? Simply put, an OC fighting game. I've been busy learning MUGEN to bring this project to life, from January to now (March).

Progress wise, I'm in the very very veeeeery early stages of the project but I know what characters I want to include in the game and the basic role they'd be. Here's the basic sprites of the 8 character roster I plan to create:




As of writing, the first character I'm working on is Audrey the Monster Centaur. It's been a learning experience, considering I have zero animating experience. But through my efforts I feel like I've done really well:

Tweet of my MUGEN animation progress

That being said, I've been finding it a bit difficult to make the sprites look how I want them to.

You see, I drew the sprites at about 3000 pixels big, but MUGEN's sprites have to be about 100 to 200 pixels big.

It wasn't a big deal for the draft sprites in the animation test, but for the actual sprites it looks horrifically condensed and unrecognizable. So now I'm gonna learn how to make art that looks good at that size.

So you're not gonna see much art from me since I'm gonna be busy with learning MUGEN and creating so much sprite art for it all. Hopefully I'll be able to get it created.

Thank you for reading, and I hope that you and I do well!


Posted by JKflay - June 14th, 2023

Fan Comic Project Cancellation

If you read this post's title, you're probably wondering why I would cancel the project. It's been something that I've been passionate about - even if I don't show it - and I've been working on it whenever I can - the latest completed draft page was page 40!

Simply put, I don't live in an environment that lets me focus on my project without worry.

That probably doesn't make sense at first, but let me explain with a story:

Back in the day I was a really big fan of Mega Man Legends - I still am btw - and it was then I developed my first everr ship: Denise Marmalade X Tron Bonne. The interactions between the two are adorable, and I feel that under different circumstances the girls could've developed feelings for each other.

So I started writing a fanfiction about it. This was my first ever fiction writing project and I enjoyed every second of it.

That is until a certain family member found out about it. From then on they kept pushing me to take the fic -as is, unfinished, with the copyrighted characters and all - publish it on Kindle and profit big time. I refused because that's a lawsuit and a half and so I kept writing, but my family member NEVER LEFT ME ALONE ABOUT IT.

They kept saying I was wasting my time and talent on something that'll likely be stolen by some schmoe for billions, when I could be making the billions myself, and a whole bunch of other demoralizing stuff.

In the end, I stopped writing because of them and my drive to do so has never come back.

And I always fear the same will happen to my comic.

While my family member hasn't found out about it, that's because I work late at night on it specifically so they don't find out. Doesn't leave me with alot of energy or focus to get much done, and it's having an affect on my health. I feel much more tired and I'm waking up too late. And waking up too late feeds into my family member berating me on how I'm lazy and not a capable person. That, plus a number of of things they go on about me makes me feel incredibly depressed and the general worsening of my mental health. The peak of which being yesterday where it came ahead and I had the worse bout of ideation since December '22.

In short, I'm not in the best place - location, health, and mental -wise - to work on this project, so for the sake of myself I am cancelling the due date and expectation.

I'm sorry if you were anticipating or wanting to see this project, but I can't work on this in my current environment. I might work on this comic in my off time. Who knows? Maybe there'll be a day where it's fully truly complete and everyone can read it. But for now, don't expect it any time soon.

I'm sorry.

Going Forward

So, with the fan comic being cancelled, what now?

Well, I'm still going to do casual art stuff like I always do but with the environment I'm in, my work is constantly being pushed in anyway possible. I have a job and my family isn't in a financial crisis, but at every turn I'm always being questioned on if my art's made some type of profit. I don't want to be useless and worthless so I'm forced to do something to actively monetize my work.

I've decided to make a Ko-Fi where you can commission and donate money to me if you want. I wouldn't have made one if not for the pressure to make money off of nearly everything I do, so here we are.

Link to the Ko-Fi here

But while I plan to cancel this comic, I don't want to stop making comics period.

It was so much fun to make! It's inspired me to make my own original comic myself based on my own original characters (Audrey and them fyi).

I've learned alot from my time with the fan comic, and I want to put it to good use. I'm not gonna put a due date on it because that just spells disaster, so you'll see it when I want to show it.

I hope everyone understands, and things get better.

Thank you.

  • JKflay, Azealia


Posted by JKflay - April 22nd, 2023

One More Fan Comic Update

Hey, remember when I said I wouldn't move the goalpost again?

Yeah about that.

I have been working on it, and I've gotten to draft page 23! But everything's been drafts and with how it looks like it's going, I'll be done with the drafts and maybe 1/4 done with the comic by the end of June aka my self-imposed due date.

So here's my last update on this: If I get the drafts done, I will consider my goal reached.

I know this might be disappointing to some of you, and it definitely is to me. But I realize that I severely over estimated the scope and scale of this project, and I need to scale things to my level.

But that doesn't mean I'll never finish this fan comic. It will come out someday, but I'm not going to set an arbitrary deadline for myself again.

Oh yeah, my reward and consequence are still in place.

Succeed = I buy myself a plush Ledian

Fail = I make and post NSFW Art on Newgrounds/FurAffinity

Hope you all understand this update!

  • JKflay, Azealia


Posted by JKflay - March 6th, 2023

In regards to my promise of completing my KOF Comic.

Now this isn't a cancellation. I've made progress on Page 5 and it's nearly done and would've been done by now.

But recently I was given work by two individuals. One that has paid me $50 to create a complex and detailed piece, the other about to pay me for two art pieces.

I can't deny art commissions due to my living situation/pressure to make profits by others. And with these commissions, I won't be able to complete my project in a two month time span.

That's why I am electing to extend my deadline to the end of June, giving myself 4 months to complete my comic.

This will be the only extension I will give myself for this project.

To motivate myself, I'm giving myself a reward and consequence.

If I succeed, I will buy myself a Ledian plushie.

If I fail, I will create a piece of NSFW art for Newgrounds.

Hopefully I get my project done and that all of you enjoy the comic when it gets completed.

I hope you all understand.

Thank you.

  • JKflay, Azealia



Posted by JKflay - March 1st, 2023

Hi! How's it been since... Idk, two minutes ago?

It's been fun doing art everywhere! From commissions to sketches to just full on pieces, I love all of the art I've been doing for others and myself! Plus the people and fandoms I've found and friends I've made in the process, it's been a wonderful time being an artist online.

But now, it's time for me to focus on something big: The March and April project! AKA finishing my KOF AU comic.

If you recall from other accounts of mine - Twitter and Tumblr - I was in the process of making a KOF AU comic, and even completed a prequel sketch comic to proof that I can create a comic on my own. And from there I moved onto make the first proper comic. But life and artist ADHD and such distracted me so much that I've made zero progress on the thing. The last page I released was the fourth one, and the fifth is a wip.

I don't want to leave this uncomplete, so I'm dedicating March and April 2023 to finishing the comic.

I do have commissions and personal art to take care of, but once those are done, I'll be 100% dedicated to completing this project. You may not see me post alot of art during this time, so I hope you understand why.

I think I'll still be open to commissions during these months since I do need to make some cash in the meantime.

I hope that I'll be able to meet this goal for myself, and that when the comic's complete everyone enjoys it.

Thank you, and I hope you all have a fantastic day!

- JKflay, Azealia



Posted by JKflay - November 17th, 2022

Welp, Twitter went boom, DA is going nuclear, and everyone's migrating to new places.

So as an artist, I figured it's about time to make my way over here. I've always considered joining here but always stopped myself since I always had DA since my childhood, and Twitter was extremely easy for anything I wanted to do.

Guess this is what I get for putting all my eggs in one basket.

So now here I am. I'll try to reupload all of my best art over the years here and on other sites I'm on.

The most important one for me is going to be my KOF comics.

There's two of them - one being the test sketch comic that's complete, the second being a WIP that's more complete - and I have no idea if Newgrounds is the place for comics. Maybe it is, but I'll have to look around.

Anyway, I'm getting use to here. If you have any tips or heads up on anything, please let me know.

Thank you!
